Jennifer’s Glow Gave Energy and Light to Everyone



Always be Kind, Loving, Caring & Sharing

Jennifer’s Glow Inspired So Many
Help Her Children Remember Her Legacy

A letter from Robin Brule

Jennifer inspired hope, gratitude, love, and vibrancy into the lives of every person who was fortunate enough to meet her.

There are two people to whom she was even more — her children, Averie and Joshua. Their loss is the most profound as they will not get the chance to know her in her full force of service and dedication as many children do as they grow and know their parents – seeing her as more than Mommy and in the full grace of her being and self-less service. When  I lost my own mother to a senseless act of violence, one of the most profound things that people offered to me, even strangers who I had never met, was to share with me how my mom had walked through this world and the difference she made to them. I invite you today to join me in helping Averie and Joshua remember who Jennifer is and was and capturing those sentiments of what she meant to us personally and professionally. 

I am writing to Averie and Joshua to share my beautiful memories during this time of reflection on how Jennifer inspired me. Please join me. Whether it is a memory or something she gave you, share what you remember most about who she is, whether it was a silly phone call, a message she sent, an action she took to make your day better, or her dedication to our community. This tangible and personal outpouring of stories will be a narrative  to her children at a time when the clock has stopped. What more can we give them than sharing our personal and heartfelt reflections of Jennifer? She lives through your memories and words. 

There is no expectation that Averie and Joshua will read these memories now. It may be 10, 20, or 30 years before the time is right in their lives. Yet as I have personally experienced through the loss of my mother, one of the greatest gifts is to hear how she touched lives and being able to constantly remember who she was and is in the world.

If you care to join me, please send memories to 

PO Box 7157,
Albuquerque, NM 87194