Ongoing Cultivation:  Leading Your New Contacts on the Revenue Journey

Continuing the Engagement Journey via Email Communications



Below are examples of email newsletters sent not only to the constantly growing email list, but also shared again via social media.  The newsletters always contain a ‘sign up’ link so that social media viewers can add their names to the email list and start to receive the newsletters in their inbox.  This also provides your athletic department a new contact for cultivation as a future financial supporter. With the correspondence “authored” by the head coach or athletic department, the newsletter gives fans a personal new way connect with your programs. Professional sports teams are shifting towards automated digital communications that are able to capture the attention of fans while also informing them.

Ongoing Newsletters

CaringCent digital specialists curate local and national news regarding your department and combine these articles with the great content from your communication team.  These communications convey the progress your department is making!  And, regular newsletters keep supporters engaged and informed with your program, and primed for future financial support.  Click here to view the full newsletter example.

Email Newsletter with Integrated Fan Quiz

In addition to keeping supporters informed and connected to the organization through regular communications, including fan quizzes within newsletters is another way to generate excitement and further engagement.  Click here to view the full newsletter.